© 2014 Content City on a Hill / Design by Stanley K Productions
We thank the Lord that we were able assist a family of 5 with their overdue rent
of R4000-
Revolve 11:36 ministered @ Lewende Woord Cullinan and was very blessed to do the worship. Jaco Heyman delivered a powerful message that touched the hearts of all that were present. Our sincerest gratitude for being able to be part of such a wonderful service. May God bless your ministry abundantly!!
Love in a Box went on a bush ministry on Sunday the 21st of April 2013. We handed out 30 blankets, 30 loaves of bread and 30 cartons of Mageau. It didn’t prove to be enough so two of our members had to buy extra food and blankets as well as soap, toothpaste, and toothbrushes. Please note that these are people that live in the bushes. They have no homes, food or jobs. They sleep in the rain and often do not have any type of shelter whatsoever. We urgently need Sotho/Pedi Bibles for these people. Please keep them in your prayers. Thank you and God bless!
We were so extremely blessed with our first Love in a Box outreach to Jacaranda Children’s Home, that we have decided to visit them once a month.
More than just blessing them with some food and donations we go to them to spend some time with these children and to invest into their lives, spiritually, as well as emotionally
Please continue praying for these children, as well as our monthly visits to them