© 2014 Content City on a Hill / Design by Stanley K Productions

Matt 5:14 - A City on a hill cannot be hidden

A few weeks ago we visited the premises of Siza Bantu in Ennerdale. They have started a project to feed the hungry with the help from our government. They are growing vegetables in “tunnels” and blessing others with it.


They have a beautiful marquise tent in which they have their church services. Revolve 11:36 will minister there during a morning service.


For more information please contact:

Pst Rhoda: 073 019 2006 | rhodamoodaley@gmail.com

Sis Lillie: 083 568 5118 | rccc@telkomsa.net

Eva: 074 445 6290 | evaadams@live.co.za

Church Office: 011 855 4354

Siza Bantu